On day 3, we travel south through the Western Transverse Ranges, to the coastal area. Where we were on day 2, the San Andreas fault is oriented parallel to the tectonic plate motion, so it accommodates entirely strike-slip motion; in this portion of California, the San Andreas is striking more NW, meaning that in order for the relative plate motion to be accommodated here, there needs to not only be strike-slip motion, but also a significant component of shortening, which creates shortening structures like thrust faults, reverse faults, fault-related folds, and which all creates uplift and significant topography. We first see evidence for this in the Western Transverse Ranges, then see excellent evidence for it “in action” along the coast. At Ventura, we inspect several aspects of the Ventura Avenue Anticline, one of the fastest uplifting structures drive over the active scarp of the Ventura Avenue Anticline Thrust fault (6-7 mm/yr of uplift). We see this uplift history recorded by uplifted fluvial terraces of the Ventura River, as well as in the uplift history of marine terraces at Pitas Point.
The transpressional deformation that is required at the plate-scale is partitioned between strike-slip and dip-slip shortening structures at many scales–from the large (San Andreas and Western Transverse Ranges) to the intermediate (Santa Ynez Fault and Ventura Avenue Anticline) to the very small (outcrop-scale). We then visit Arroyo Burro Beach, where, due to the different orientations of the cliff face, we are able to appreciate strike-slip and dip-slip components of the transpressional deformation required to uplift the coastal area in the southwest part of Santa Barbara.